Monday, April 29, 2013

dEMOns Like To Cut Themselves

Have you noticed the capital letters in the title? Yes, the word "demon" has "emo" as a substring. No wonder they like to torment people, it's because they like to cut themselves and they want to share the pain and agony they suffer, oh how thoughtful of them.

Base from the word emo alone, you know we're going to talk a lot of cutting, blood and self inflicted pain. And we're not going to talk about emo humans, instead we're gonna discuss demonic emos that have risen and survived the Judgment of the Light. We are going to talk about the the newly supported Archfiends.

First of, the decklist:

Monster: 15
[3] Genesis Archfiend
[3] Archfiend Commander
[2] Archfiend General
[2] Trance Archfiend
[3] Trick Archfiend
[2] Effect Veiler

Spells: 14
[1] Allure of Darkness
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole
[2] Dark World Dealings
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] Monster Reborn
[2] MST
[2] Falling Down
[3] Pandemonium

Traps: 11
[3] Reckless Greed
[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] EEV
[2] Call of the Haunted
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Solemn Warning

The basic strategy of the deck is to search lower level monsters with the help of Pandemonium using Genesis and Commander's destruction effects, hence the emo part of the deck.

Trick is gonna be your best friend since she searches the needed Archfiend monsters. She triggers her effect when she is sent to the graveyard except by tribute or cost so Transturn can't trigger her. She can't also trigger Pandemonium since she's the lowest level monster in the deck. You can also summon her then special Commander to trigger her to get another Archfiend for next turn setup. Lastly, banish her for Genesis' effect when she's in the grave (not from hand) so you can reuse her when you use Trance's second effect.

Genesis is the main beatstick and searches out all the other Archfiends in the deck when Pandemonium is on the field. He is the archetypes very own DAD but can only be activated once per turn as a restriction. Despite being level 8, it's normal summonable at the cost of halving its stats and committing suicide if done so but the suicide effect goes along well with Pandemonium to search. If ever, use his effect always.

Archfiend Commander is gonna be your main kamikaze pilot. Trance and Trick activates their effect when destroyed by Commander and the kamikaze effect triggers Pandemonium as well. When you have Genesis on the field, use Genesis' effect and attack with it before using Commander's effect to complete your kamikaze strategy.

Pandemonium is the key of this deck. Without it, Genesis' destruction will be in vain and Commander as well, and that explains why Archfiend General is in the deck. The usual thing I do when I don't have Pandemonium is to send Trick to the grave then get General then use its effect to get Pandemonium, and the process also thinned your deck by two cards, increasing your drawing statistics.

Archfiend Cavalry is taken out because I usually don't need him and I always get Trance instead of him every time I search with Pandmonium, and I find his effect a bother and slow.

------Card Choices------
Veiler - it can be replaced by Maxx C depending on your style.

Dark World Dealings - it sends Trick to the grave for its effect and you get to draw. You can also send Genesis so you can revive him with COTH or Reborn.

Falling Down - an out to impossible to defeat monsters like Big Eye or Dragosack but be cautious since it drains LP and destroys itself if there is no Archfiend.

EEV - Magicals/Prophecy duh?!!

COTH - better than Archfiend's Roar since you don't pay LP and the monster it summons stay on the field, and if ever it get destroyed, Pandemonium will activate.

Reckless Greed - since a lot of searching is going on, the minus 2 draw doesn't really slow you down.

I didn't put Skill Drain since it stops their destruction effect and we want them to kill themselves.

+Steady stream of monsters in hand
+Suicide synergy w/ Pandemonium
+Good deck thinning method
+Genesis 2nd effect
+Trick search
+Cool card art

-Low field presence
-Field dependent
-You draw 3 Commanders
-Dies in Macro and Fissure
-Can't xyz rank 7

I also tried the Archfiend Palace build with Skill Drain and I find this build faster since Palace doesn't have any search and deck thinning.

Also I'm gonna try replacing 1 Commander for a DAD.

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