Thursday, July 25, 2013

Toys for the Big Boys

Guess who's happy about the new Duelist Pack Yuma, well, it's not me, but I know a lot of you machine lovers are looking forward to Toy Knight, specially Gadget lovers.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dark World - Dragon Slayer Mode

Hello everyone!
I know there's only like at least 2 months until the fall of the magical-dragon meta since the ban hammer is about to come and I hope Konami knows what they're about to do for September.

Anyway, this blog is called MasterEM of DW as seen in the URL of this blog, but the only post I have here that is related to DW is perhaps the first post which is about Grapha, well, that's because when I made this blog, they were irrelevant due to the rise of the Incarnate Dragons and Magicals due to LTGY. But that didn't stop me for trying and trying to fight these two decks. After hours and hours of testing I finally found the close-to-perfect build for DW.

Deck list after the jump