Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tournament Report: 13/02/23

I just returned to full thinking capabilities and here to write what happened to me yesterday at the Philippines' Asian Qualifier. It was a Swiss Round of 7 so yeah, that is pretty long. I decided to use my Dark World Deck instead of going for my Heroic or Heraldry Beast Deck (I'm pretty much into building builds for under appreciated decks), but this time, I didn't main my Sillva and used Tragodeia in its place.

1st Round: Chaos Dragons w/ Judgment Dragon
1: Had a slow start with only Graphas and no other DW monster but then I gambled with Dealings and managed to discard Beiige and proceed to beatdown with a Grapha and Fran Ken.
2: He got me overpowered and I had no Grapha to back me up.
3: It was a long drawn out battle but in the end he summoned BLS and proceed to win.
Result: OXX

2nd Round: Evols
1: I had a bad draw and despite having Skill Drain he managed to beat me down with Cerato and Diplo.
2: I activated Skill Drain to prevent his flip effects. I then proceed to destroy his backrow with 2 Graphas and beatdown.
3: I destroyed his Macro with MST and Solemn Judgment his Laggia and SS Grapha in my turn for win.
Result: XOO

3rd Round: Machina Gadgets
1: I didn't drew any monsters except Tragodeia and I proceed to lose because he always CED my Trags.
2: He has Soul Drain and Monster Reborn my Grapha.
Result: XX

4th Round: Mainsprings
1: Magician + Shark + Factory.
2: Heavy Storm + Magician + Shark.
Result: XX

5th Round: Dark World
1: He Dragged Down and Grapha first.
2: I Dragged Down first and had Grapha first.
3: He Dragged Down first but he only has Beiige and I proceed to Snoww beatdown. Solemn Judgment his Dark Smog and got my Grapha first.
Result: XOO

6th Round: Inzektors
1: Inzektor stunts.
2: Inzektor stunts but he left me 800LP and I proceed to destroy his frontrow.
3: Inzektor stunts.
Result: XOX

7th Round: Flaming Stars
1: I managed to control him without Skill Drain by using Grapha alone.
2: I sided in my Dust Tornadoes and they did their job. I then activated Skill Drain to stop his Yuushi in destroying my Grapha.
Result: OO

In the end I had a standing of 3-4. The only regret I had was I didn't main Sillva, I should have stick with my natural build instead of improvising. Also, for the record, Dark World hasn't defeat me yet. I had fun and gathered new knowledge so I'm still satisfied. I managed to won a dice at last and my brothers and I managed to pull out our 2nd Drago-Sac, a Sylphine and a Redox when we bought a half-box.

Currently I am testing an Atlantean Poseidra deck with Tridon and I'm still thinking what support cards to use since Tridon can't be Salvaged.

Lastly, I'll be posting my Card of the Week later than expected.

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